Rich Dad Poor Dad
- 增加现金流(cash flow) Assets- Expense 通过现金流的大小描述自己的健康状况
- 多增加资产
- 减少负债
- The rich focus on their asset columns while everyone else focuses on their income statements.
- 一直打工的问题:“I can’t afford to take risks”—is that they have no financial foundation. They have to cling to their jobs and play it safe.
- 当经济不好时,购买的房子才是最大的花销
- 学会将购买的部分产品作为资产,以提供后期卖出的思维
- 如果购买的物品无能给你提供正向的收益,那不是一个很好的资产
- cash flow : assets - Expense
- net work: assets - liabilities